- Amazing sights/museums
- Great food/wine/beer
- Beautiful scenery
- Clean and (mostly) safe
- Comfortable
- Not too far away (sorry, Japan)
- Your heritage (that is, you're Irish)
- Just different enough to be an "adventure"
Oh, wait, you have kids. Those kids...can you leave them? No? You're sure? Yeah, they got to come along. I know. And they are:
- Expensive
- Easily bored
- Picky eaters
You're still going? With the kids? Suit yourself. You probably think exposing them to other cultures is good (even if the difference is fairly slight) and that they'll appreciate the art and culture.
And you're right: They will, but you have to do a lot of work to get them there. You can't just bring a six year old to the Loire Valley and say, "look how beautiful!" Or drop your brat off in front of the David and go, "there's the David." No, you got to use some strategy. That includes:
- Spacing out the culture events with kid events or treats
- Focus on big things -- physically big, that is -- size impresses
- Prepare them, repeatedly, for what they'll see
- Use stories, kids love stories
And that is how I try to grade out my choice for destinations. They should have big stuff to see, with kid friendly food and activities around, have good books and movies to read & show as prep, and not be something I will miss doing because they're in tow. And yeah, I have to want to go there, too. Next post, I'll start to give you my take on the general Euro destinations with that in mind. Stay tuned.
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