Thursday, February 8, 2018

You’re Welcome!

We here at BhamTravelDad know we wield some powerful influence, with readership regularly climbing into the high 60’s. But sometimes we surprise ourselves in how much change we can help spur. As in, just yesterday I was lamenting the lack of flight options from BHM. Well, it looks like Frontier Airlines is one of those sixty-odd readers, and has heard my plea. Coming soon, they’ll offer discounted flights to several choice destinations.

As always with a discount carrier, check what you get before buying, especially in terms of baggage fees. Regardless -- this will put pressure on legacies to compete, driving prices down. The one I'm most excited about is R/T to Philly. We have one direct to there already, but it's expensive. Frontier should be affordable; plus, Philly is a pretty good international departure gate. And if it comes to it, it's not too far from Newark. I now wish I hadn't already booked my fare to EWR. Oh well.

In the mean time, what Birmingham *really* needs is a free bar for guys who write travel blogs.

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