We try to stay politics free here at Travel Dad, but the reality is that politics eventually plays a role in many of life’s decisions. Even travel.
I give some respect to those who argue the downside of global free trade: no doubt, US jobs and industries have been devastated by certain open trade agreements.
Airplane manufacturing, though, isn’t one of those. Boeing is a fantastic company, with a superb offering. If, unlike their foreign competitors, they don’t get direct US subsidies, they still profit from fat military contracts. What I’m saying: Boeing will be fine. They’re not under any immediate threat; their competition with Airbus has made them efficient and resilient, and has certainly improved our flight options. I doubt we’d have the 787 without the pressure Airbus put on Boeing to innovate.
So I was pleased to see that the proposed tariff on Bombarier’s C-series aircraft was scrapped. From what I can read, this Canadian-built plane is a marvel: comfortable and efficient. When you live in a mid-size market like Birmingham, you absolutely need planes like this in the market: your only other options are the 737/A320 (often too big for BHM routes); 717’s (old MD-88’s, horribly inefficient), or CRJ’s & Embraers: tiny, uncomfortable regional jets. Gorsh, I hate flying those.
I don’t know if it’ll happen, but I can dream that some airline will recognize potential in underserved markets like ours, and decide to make an offering built around these new jets – exactly the way Southwest did, back when they were still a budget carrier. Perhaps it’ll be a start-up, or perhaps a legacy looking to grow. I don’t care. I just know we in BHM need more competition.
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