Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Grand European Vacation: Day 15+3

Dear Readers: Yes, yes -- promised I would blog my family’s Grand European Vacation. I even brought my laptop along, to make regular posts. I know very well that blogs are supposed to be real time, not retrospective – the format thrives on the (pardon my French) élan and joie de vivre of the now. A post has the lifespan of a mayfly.

But once I got there? I’d be darned if I was going to look at my computer screen for any more than I had to. My phone was used almost exclusively as a camera, and my laptop gathered dust once I’d done my mid-trip check-in with work. This vacation was for cool summer breezes, Deutsch wines and cheeses (with apologies to Buffett). My loyal readers would have to wait.  

Anyway, stay tuned, please. Shortly I’ll be recounting the trip in roughly chronological order, with an eye to some of my previously posted suggestions, to see how those worked out in practice. I did take notes along the way, good old pen and paper, so perhaps some of the spontaneity of the moment can still be captured. Next post: Getting There.

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